Students find their place at organizations fair

A member of AIESEC in Atlanta speaks to a student at the organizations fair. Students had the opportunity to talk to leaders and members from hundreds of Tech student organizations. // Photo by Caitlyn Chapman Student Publications

Starting college is an exciting yet intimidating time for many students. New people, unfamiliar environments and the challenge of adapting to rigorous academics can make the transition overwhelming. With all these changes, finding a supportive group of people with similar interests can be key to making the most of this new chapter.

At Tech, one of the best ways to ease this transition and feel connected to campus life is through the Fall Organizations Fair (Org Fair). This biannually event is held on Tech Green and Tech Walkway. Hosted by the Office of Student Engagement, the Org Fair is designed to highlight the diverse range of clubs, organizations and societies available to students. 

This year, the Org Fair took place over the course of two days from Aug. 27 to 28, showing students a glimpse into the vibrant community life at Tech.

The Org Fair is more than just an event — it is a celebration of all the passions and pursuits that live on campus. With over 500 student organizations represented, the fair caters to every interest imaginable, from academic societies and professional development clubs like the Global Medical Missions Alliance, to cultural organizations like the Chinese Student Association. For incoming students, the fair is a wonderful opportunity to explore these options, learn about different activities and find a community that resonates with them.

First-year students like Sofia Said, first-year BIOL, found the Org Fair to be a gateway into Tech’s diverse campus life. 

“As a new student at Georgia Tech, the Org Fair opened my eyes to all the unique opportunities available to me and is making me look forward to the rest of the school year!” Said said as she explored the Ramblin’ Puppy Raisers booth, an organization dedicated to promoting awareness about service dogs. 

“This club will help bring a piece of home to campus, especially since I miss my own dogs during the school year,” Said said.

While the Org Fair is an excellent opportunity for new students, it is also a highlight for the clubs and organizations themselves. During the two-day event, student organizations across all interests set up booths with eye-catching posters, props and representatives eager to share what they have to offer.

Club leaders see the fair as a vital opportunity to recruit new members and bring new energy into their organizations. 

“A lot of first years have been coming this year,” observed a representative from the Wreck Racing team. “It’s exciting to meet like-minded people with similar passions.”

With so many options available, the process of finding the right club can seem overwhelming. However, the Org Fair simplifies this process by bringing all these opportunities into one space. Hannah Koppel,  second-year BME, emphasized how the fair helped her navigate the abundance of choices. 

“The number of organizations at Tech can seem overwhelming at first! The Org Fair helped me get to know what organizations are beyond small online blurbs, giving me a head start in making meaningful connections on campus, and the opportunity to find what organizations are right for me early on,” Koppel said.

For many students, the fair is the beginning of lifelong friendships and professional networks. It is a place where they can meet like-minded individuals, discover new passions and become part of a community that supports their personal and academic growth.

Whether it is joining a professional society, a cultural group, or a recreational club, the Student Organization Fair highlights the diverse and dynamic community at Tech.
