Redefining data science education with DSGT

Photo courtesy of GT Data Science

Data Science @ Georgia Tech (DSGT) is a student-run organization that has formed a multidisciplinary data science platform focusing on giving students opportunities to learn about the field of Data Science. Students are able to develop their skills through three main interaction channels: semester-long projects, workshops and events.

The organization started after the founders, Stephen Go, fourth-year IE and Matthew Rather,  fourth-year BME realized the potential of data science during their sophomore year.

“We were learning a lot but not getting more confident in our abilities as data scientists,” commented Go and Rather in a statement. “Looking through several job requirements, we found a huge barrier for undergraduates to enter the field — with most roles requiring advanced degrees. We want to rethink the delivery of data science education and help our peers overcome the barriers stopping them from getting their dream jobs. Experience is an essential component of data science education.”

Over spring break, DSGT went to the Philippines, collaborating with a non-profit EMR company to put into effect a healthcare product developed at a hackathon last year.

“We saw several opportunities to apply data science in products like electronic medical record software,” said Stephen Go. “I was looking for potential new partners for project collaborations and fortunately secured a meeting with the Wireless Access for Health Initiative (WAH). As one of the largest EMR providers in the country, their system is deployed in over 170 clinics nationwide. We’ve been working with them on a number of different areas: primarily usability, analytics and strategy.”

DSGT traveled to Tarlac City, a province outside of Metro Manila to better understand their users. Over the course of the trip, Go, along with his co-founder Matthew Rather had the opportunity to meet with local government leaders, clinical executives, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals gaining insights into user’s needs to apply what they learned to help WAH maximize the value of their data and develop decision-making tools.

“Our ultimate goal was to introduce the concept of data science, and in doing so we hoped to redefine data science education by determining key information needed to understand these methods,” Rather said.

DSGT hopes to see the organization grow to be a thought-leader and innovator in the delivery of data science education and are currently testing, building, and compiling sets of learning resources.

Students can get involved by following the Facebook page, Data Science at GT.
