Get Healthy Series, Part Three: Stress, tension management


The third and final part of the “Get Healthy Series” focuses on the importance of dealing with stress and its importance to overall wellbeing.

As one of the premier research universities in the nation, Tech harbors a community whose overall stress level is inevitably high. Learning to prevent and manage stress can go a long way towards improving overall health as it negatively affects the body, feelings, and behavior.

According to a 2010 study conducted by the American Psychological Association, the most common physical symptoms of stress reported were irritability (45 percent), fatigue (41 percent) and lack of energy or motivation (38 percent).

Stress is a universal phenomenon, and though it can be overwhelming at times, there are resources available at Tech that can prove useful in combating it. The Counseling Center offers a regularly scheduled Stress Management Series Outreach workshop to all members of the campus community.

These Stress Management workshops are typically held on Thursdays at various locations around campus. The topics of discussion include overcoming the stress of perfectionism and using psychology to enhance academic performance.

For those whose counseling needs are beyond the scope of the workshops, individual counseling is available at the Counseling Center in the Student Services Building. The Counseling Center additionally offers life skills workshops specifically for its current clients.

Time management can dramatically lower stress levels. Finding time for work and starting projects ahead of time will prevent late-night cram sessions and rushing anxiety.

Madelyn Mock, a fourth-year BA major, makes the most of her down time between classes.

“When I have classes in both the morning and afternoon, I stay on campus rather than go home. That allows me to get a lot of schoolwork done and saves me the commute time,” Mock said.

A number of students make use of websites or apps to help them manage their time.

“I have post-its on my home screen to tell me what needs to be finished by when,” said Meghan Rizzo, a second-year ChBE major.

“I use Google Calendar to budget my study time in with all the other activities I’m involved with. I always leave time to relax and socialize,” said Hunter Wojohn, a fourth-year BA major.

Students suggest that spending time with friends who offer encouragement and support is a great way to help beat stress.

“I can always talk to my friends about the issues that are stressing me out. Most of the time they have been through similar situations so they help me deal with the stress of life through advice and kind words,” Mock said.

Maintaining an active social life can help to considerably reduce stress.

“I like to relax and relieve stress by playing cornhole in the front yard of my fraternity,” Wojohn said.

Exercising is another sure-fire way to beat stress. Adding a form of exercise that is enjoyable is a good way to pump up endorphins in the body and shed tension.

At an institution that places high demands on its students, being able to apply stress relief methods is and will continue to be critical to success.



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