LISTEN in on Tech students’ musical preferences

By Hamza Hasan

Staff Writer

Tech encompasses many faces of music. Tech students can be seen incorporating music into their daily lives by blasting music while doing their homework or simply relaxing to the sounds of the Music Listening Room.

Music also allows Tech students to unwind and take a break from the rigorous academic courseloads that students experience daily. Atlanta in itself is a crossroads of musical preferences: from the homegrown rap and hip-hop to the latest in indie rock, students have plenty of choices when finding something to listen to.

Now that WREK will have its own HD receiver, Tech will have one of the more technologically advanced collegiate radio stations.

Here, students share some of their experiences with the culture of music at Tech.

Lori White

Second-Year ID

“I have an iPod that [I] listen to a lot when I go to the CRC or studio, and I also tend to listen to Ruckus when I’m on my computer in my room.“

Jason White

Third-Year MGT

“Music has a culture even as just a release…My experience with music at Tech is everywhere, like when I walk in Glenn [and] everybody and their mother is playing guitar.“

Andrew Ash

First-Year CS

“The free jazz in the morning is pretty crazy, but the rock rhythm & roll in the afternoon is much better. My favorite show is EDM on Saturday evenings. Good stuff!“

Michael Maenpaa

First-Year ME

“I love the variety that is played on WREK radio. It’s a nice reprieve from the normal one style only stations, even though some of it is pretty way out there.“
