On Thursday, April 5, hundreds of visitors and members of the Tech community gathered in Harrison Square for the dedication of a statue commemorating the...
The Georgia General Assembly adjourned Sine Die on March 29, marking the end of the fortieth and final day of lawmaking. During this legislative session,...
The Tech College Republicans hosted another Republican candidate for governor at their weekly meeting on Mon., March 28. The Republican primary will be on May...
The winner of the 2018 Georgia Tech InVenture Prize Competition was Kolby Hanley, 3rd year MSE, for his company, UltraView. The competition, held on the...
For the first time, students at Tech have the opportunity to learn about personal finance topics in the classroom. Personal Finance 101, a one-credit special...
On Friday, March 16, the two presidential tickets for the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA) sat down at a town hall to discuss their platforms...
On Tuesday, March 7, the sole team running for SGA president and vice president sat down for the Technique’s annual presidential debate. The candidates, third-year...
This year’s Student Government Association (SGA) election cycle is bound to the fact that the undergraduate executive campaign of Evan Gillon and Ayo Aladesanmi is...
On Feb. 26, the Musician’s Network announced during their general meeting that after-hours events at Under the Couch would resume on the following Wednesday, Feb....
Tech’s Student Government Association (SGA) makes use of several financial accounts, but those with the least rules and oversight regarding their funds’ usage are the...
In order to encourage more students to take advantage of the summer months to take classes, the Summer Semester Initiatives office has pushed for and...
Last week, the six finalist teams were announced for this year’s 10th annual InVenture Prize Competition. Surviving two rounds of eliminations that began with a...