As Georgia’s 2022 midterm election approaches, politicians are striving to encourage civic participation in young people — with Tech’s campus being a major target for...
Nestled in the heart of Midtown Atlanta, Tech’s campus serves as an ever-shifting and expanding urban oasis for its students, staff and faculty. Spanning approximately...
After a downturn in revenue during 2022, Meta, the company formerly called Facebook, announced that they would freeze hiring of new employees and are expected...
On Oct. 5th, 2022, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (RSAS) announced it would be awarding the 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to three individuals...
Since the 2020 general election that elected President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris into office, the 2022 midterm election on Nov. 8 is...
Each year, members of the Tech community showcase their drive and ambition through their involvement in a variety of academic programs. One such project that...
As the long Atlantic hurricane season draws to a close this November, impacted residents of the United States East Coast will assess the damages from...
Every year, various news organizations and agencies release lists ranking education institutions on both national and international levels. These lists often prioritize different aspects of...
From Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, Tech is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month (HHM) across campus, hosting various events to uplift and engage the Hispanic and...
Last week, hundreds of students and intern-hopefuls of all majors passed by the doors of the Exhibition Hall to see signs and poster boards inviting...
Through the donations and contributions of alumni and various foundations, the Institute has been able to establish many school-specific grants and scholarships. One such program...
With the unveiling of the new Institute logo and associated design changes, many aspects of campus aesthetics and infrastructure are also ever-changing. Students may have...
As an institution, Tech prides itself on the diversity and inclusivity of its personnel and student body. To maintain this reputation, the Institute is making...
On Aug. 15, the Office of Student Engagement and Well-Being (OSEWB) published its new plan for cultivating health and well-being at Tech and laid out...
Tech takes pride in its efforts to increase campus sustainability and engage all community members in environmental initiatives, but how do these measures actually play...