Students now have a chance to put their own mark on the Clough Undergraduate Learning Center (CULC) that is currently under construction. Students can vote...
As the University System of Georgia (USG) continues to balance its budget, students have been left wondering how much their schools will be changed and,...
A Tech Honors Program class, self-named the Thoreau Housing Collective, assembled a timber frame replica of the cabin Henry David Thoreau lived in and described...
Tech’s Division of Professional Practice (DoPP) is one of the oldest and largest programs on campus, involving around 4,000 Georgia Tech students. DoPP’s long-time Executive...
When passionate Tech students aren’t spending their 72-hour days on studying, they are dedicating 72-hour days to a noble cause. Jesse Clark, an MCRP grad...
Women’s Awareness Month (WAM) kicked off on Monday, March 1 and marks the beginning of a series of events throughout the month that celebrate women....
While diversity may just be a fashionable buzzword for marketing campaigns, an institution like Tech—as a whole—actually takes the word to action from the administrative...
Following Tech’s trend of sustainability innovations in practice and building design, the Residence Hall Association’s (RHA) improvement committee has announced this year’s round of Wasted...
Jabril Leigh, second-year CE, and Jennifer Chirico, graduate student Environmental Policy, student were accepted to the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU) in recognition for their...
This semester, the Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) is giving back to the community in more ways than usual. The Georgia Special Olympics are coming...
Tech’s campus has recently seen a number of big named speakers. Between the famous comedians, Nobel Laureates and four-star generals, one question is bound to...