With the 2010 midterm elections drawing to a close, the political landscape has experienced a significant shift in party control, with a Republicans gaining majority...
Despite the typically loud atmosphere, visitors to the Student Center recently might have noticed more subdued colors than usual. Black balloons, posters and T-shirts speckled the Student Center this past week, though not for the reason that might be expected.
While Hungry, Hungry Hippos fight for small marbles, several Hungry, Hungry Hackers (H3) fought for a $750 prize and an interview opportunity with the Georgia...
Some Tech buildings have been around since the late 1800’s; others have only come into existence in the past decade. On Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010, the Fred B. Wenn Student Center hosted a celebration for its 40th year.
A new face is making a big name in the School of Literature, Communication and Culture. Andy Frazee, recently awarded with the Brittain Postdoctoral Fellowship,...
Roy Barnes Roy Barnes, the Democratic nominee for governor, is the former governor of Georgia. Barnes grew up in Cobb County and earned his undergraduate...
The party to be at last week was the National Pan-Hellenic Council’s (NPHC) annual Homecoming Step Show on Saturday, Oct. 2, featuring crews from four...
Each week, the Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship’s IMPACT Speaker Series brings in a speaker—typically one with close ties to the business world—to speak on...
Some use their engineering education to climb America’s corporate ladder, some use it to pursue academia and research in prestigious institutions, but a select few...
The final candidate for the Vice President of Institute Diversity (VPID), Archie Ervin, made his public presentation on Tuesday, Sept. 14, at the Global Learning...
The International House (I-House) within the ThinkBig residential program brings both international and American students together to provide them with a diverse and multi-cultural experience...
Each week, the Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship’s IMPACT Speaker Series brings in a speaker—typically one with close ties to the business world—to speak on...
Every week, while other members of the Tech community are performing experiments and testing the tangible, a group of Tech students and faculty gather to...
Their goal: to make sure every student sees success after college and they never leave Tech behind. Their methods: philanthropic initiatives selected by members, hanging...
As a component of a three-part series of finalists for the newly created position of Vice President of Institute Diversity (VPID), Sallye McKee discussed her...