If there is anything we have probably all heard when we tell someone that we’re in college, it’s that college was the best four (or...
The true value of the process
When you’re meeting someone new and telling them about yourself, more often than not, you will tell them a summary of your tangible accomplishments: where...
Tech housing: another year, yet another inconvenience
People often ask me how I feel about Tech. For some reason, sophomores in high school feel an undying need to find out what living...
Toilets should not be automatic
When was the last time you had a good experience with an automatic flushing toilet? If you’re like most people, the answer is never. In...
A look into how Virginia turned red
Virginia is a solid blue state. Since 2008, both Senators have been Democrats and Democratic Presidential tickets have won it easily. So why did it...
Why every horror movie is a good horror movie
I know what you’re thinking: How can all horror movies be good if bad horror movies exist? Although a cold shiver runs down my spine...
Soccer: a true love story
3.5 billion people —that’s how many people worldwide follow and support soccer. This staggering figure should come as no surprise owing to the spike that...
Treaty of Versailles’ effect on Germany
The Treaty of Versaille was an agreement between Germany and the Allies. The common view of the Allies were presented as the terms, directed towards...
Kanye’s “New Slaves” on race, culture and identity
The famous song “New Slaves” by Kanye West connects to the central themes of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” poem by Langston Hughes, such as...
An almost definitive ranking of campus coffee shops
If I’ve learned one thing from my time on campus, it’s this: Georgia Tech runs on coffee. From the finicky machines at North Avenue to...
Ph.D. writes on USG insurance proposal
The author is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Georgia Tech, and served as Tech’s graduate student body...
Originalism for thee, not for me
For any conservatives scouring the wreckage of Donald Trump’s self-sabotaged legacy, the roughly two hundred judicial appointments of originalist jurists, including three Supreme Court justices,...
The ethicality of the media coverage of Kobe Bryant’s death
Unpacking the media coverage of Bryant’s death as well as the overwhelming social-media response that followed Vishva Natarajan Kobe Bryant’s death undoubtedly came as a...
Obama-era journalism crackdowns laid groundwork for Trump’s belligerence
Earlier this month, former reality TV star and President Donald Trump promoted via Twitter a gif of himself wrestling and punching someone with the CNN...
Commission requests, is blocked from receiving extensive voter data
A commission created by President Trump issued a letter on June 28 that, for better or for worse, demonstrated the complications of federalism in which...
Attorney General Sessions’ hearing speaks volumes about Trump Administration
On June 13, millions of people turned on their TVs and their livestreams on Facebook to watch Attorney General Jeff Sessions testify regarding his knowledge...
Lammers adds one more steal
While Ben Lammers is credited with 43 steals in the 2016-17 basketball season, one could be forgiven for adding another onto that stat: the collective...
Governor Deal Endorses Atlanta March for Science
On April 22nd, thousands of citizens across Atlanta are scheduled to partake in a 2.2 mile march around Downtown Atlanta to spread knowledge and awareness...