TikTok’s U.S. troubles

Instant gratification is the bane of this generation’s existence. Collectively, our moral compass has been dictated by the brain rot swipes of left, right, up, and down, but look no further, the United States may ban the source of it all – TikTok. 

The recent U.S. law mandating TikTok’s sale or ban has reignited the debate over the app’s national security implications and First Amendment concerns. While proponents argue the measure is necessary to protect user data, critics contend it lacks sufficient justification and may infringe on free speech rights.

The Biden administration and Congress have cited TikTok’s connection to its Chinese parent company, ByteDance, as the primary reason for the crackdown. They argue that Chinese laws could compel ByteDance to share sensitive data with the Chinese government, potentially compromising national security. There are also concerns that China could manipulate TikTok’s content recommendation algorithms to spread election misinformation.

However, legal experts and civil liberties advocates argue that the government has not provided concrete evidence of these threats. Six constitutional law scholars interviewed by NPR agreed that banning TikTok based on vague national security concerns would likely violate the First Amendment rights of its 170 million American users. Evelyn Douek, a Stanford Law School professor, emphasized that the government must demonstrate real harms and prove that its response effectively mitigates those harms.

The new law attempts to address some of the legal challenges faced by previous ban attempts. It provides a longer time frame for TikTok’s sale and focuses on foreign ownership restrictions rather than content regulation, potentially shielding it from First Amendment challenges. However, critics argue that the law still faces constitutional hurdles and lacks a strong rationale for forcing the app’s sale.

One key issue is the government’s burden of proof. In a First Amendment challenge, courts would likely apply at least “intermediate scrutiny,” requiring the government to demonstrate that the ban is “narrowly tailored” to address specific national security concerns. The government would need to show that the alleged harms are real and not merely conjectural.

TikTok’s proposed “Project Texas” plan, which aims to create a firewall between U.S. user data and ByteDance, could play a significant role in the legal battle. The government will need to prove that this solution is inadequate to address security concerns. However, reports suggest that data still flows between TikTok’s U.S. personnel and those in China, and ByteDance retains control over the app’s algorithm and software updates. The case also raises questions about the feasibility of divesting from ByteDance. TikTok argues that such a divestiture is not commercially, technologically, or legally possible.

Critics of the ban point out potential hypocrisy, noting that American tech companies are among the most powerful in the world, and the U.S. government has its own history of surveillance. They argue that if the logic behind banning TikTok is applied consistently, other countries might justify banning U.S.-based social media platforms.

Furthermore, some experts question the effectiveness of a ban, given that users could potentially bypass it using VPNs. The outcome may have far-reaching consequences for data privacy, algorithm transparency, and the balance between national security interests and First Amendment rights in the digital age.

As the controversy unfolds, it’s clear that the ban raises complex questions about the intersection of technology, security, and constitutional rights. The courts will ultimately have to weigh the government’s national security claims against the First Amendment implications of banning a popular platform for expression and communication. Let’s face it. How tired are we seeing children in bright neon “drip” burp in mountain dew and sing rhythmic chants of W vs L rizz? Because I know I am. 
