TV favorites return for new seasons: Bones

The season five premiere of last Thursday unfolded an engaging series of events, sidetracking investigation and analysis as the cornerstones of the show, to keeping the viewers indulged for a bizarre romantic sequence of events between the hyper rationalizing Dr. Brennan (Emily Deschanel), a scientist from D.C. devoted to discovering and investigating the identities of the deceased from only a few specimens of the human skeleton, and the jovial, tough, and dedicated FBI agent Booth (David Boreanaz).

The show, like both and , adds itself to a gripping suspense line-up by its fresh and original themes this season.

Fortunately, highly inflated drama doesn’t creep into the show, no matter how intense the personal lives of the characters might seem, be it Booth’s confusion about his feelings for Dr. Brennan, or Avalon’s reaction to her sister’s murderer.

The twist to the story line is presented in the way Booth re-unites with the routine after recovering from his six weeks of brain surgery by completely turning around some key elements of his own personality and life in the process.

The man who resented clowns to a point of even shooting one of them now holds an amazingly jocular attitude towards one.

An interesting aspect is the fact that Booth remembers Dr. Brennan as his partner and not as his wife, disregarding the union of the two shown in the disappointing finale of season four.

However, he still hasn’t lost his feelings for her. His love is shown with Dr. Sweets’ (Booth’s neurologist) critical analysis of his brain which discovers stimulation of the parts associated with romantic emotions. This technical explanation for the everyday is a classic plot-driver for the show. Without knotty science and technology, there would be nothing to ponder about for the viewers.

Character analysis also was the key highlight of the episode, especially when it came to the intriguing Dr. Brennan. Her reasoned approach to life was a result of her fear of the complexities of the world.

Dr. Brennan is baffled by the fact that someone could love her in spite of her confused sense of personality. Maybe it’s because, from the inside, she is often hinted to be just as fun loving as anyone else.

The ironic facet of the episode was the fact that even though the show and characters are submerged in the advancements of science and technology, it was spiritual powers that ultimately lead them to the eleven bodies found under a fountain in D.C. and to most of their clues.

Aside from Booth and Dr. Brennan, other characters such as Zack, Angela and Camille unfortunately cease to add an interesting or humorous diversion to the episode, as their actions revolve mainly around the central case.

Season five is definitely introduced with a much more engrossing story line than in the case of its previous counterpart, which probably crumbled by the replacement of Zack with other wacky interns and with personal conflicts hogging up the place of absorbing mysteries.

It is certainly the comeback that any fan would expect, with a balanced amount of dramatic space and, more importantly, the usual action packed crime solving.
