Student Center hosts Georgia Tech Night at Six Flags

On Friday, Sept. 10 students attended the seventh annual Georgia Tech night at Six Flags, hosted by the Student Center Programs Council’s (SCPC) Atlanta Life Committee, which hosted the Georgia Tech Night at the Aquarium last year.

“5741 members of the Georgia Tech community attended [the]event,” said Paul Brideau, a third-year ME major and chair of the Atlanta Life Committe. Over 75 volunteers and staff members were involved in order to make the event a reality.

The Atlanta Life Committee was specifically created in order to consolidate all major off-campus events. In previous years, the Six Flags event was hosted by the Student Government Association.

Tickets were available to students for $13, with a $5 price increase after Sept. 6. Guests and faculty members could purchase tickets for $20 each.

“Georgia Tech Night at Six Flags 2010 was a huge success and continued to be one of Georgia Tech’s best events of the year” said Heather Aquilino, President of SCPC and a fifth-year IAML major.

“The Georgia Tech Six Flag Night is more than just having fun with your friends at a theme park. It is a way to welcome our large international and out of state students, and to build a sense of togetherness and a community. Not only the students have a great time at this event, but they get a glimpse of how Georgia Tech rolls,” Aquilino said.
