As part of the SGA elections, students were able to vote on three referendums that impact both the current organizational make-up of student government as well as some elements of language in the SGA Constitution.
Passed 1712 Yes/355 No (82.8%)
This constitutional referendum created the Joint Judiciary Cabinet. This new judiciary body oversees decisions made by the Undergraduate and Graduate Judiciary Cabinets and can also be used by the Office of Student Integrity as a student court.
Most of the decisions made by the SGA are usually joint allocations or joint resolutions that must pass the GSS and UHR. This referendum created a single body that would have the jurisdiction to overhear appeals on these decisions, since independently neither an undergraduate nor a graduate court would be able to rule on both. Previously, there was a potential for conflicting rulings and no way to reconcile them.
Passed 1493 Yes/519 No (74.2%)
This referendum clarified the wording of one of the lines in the undergraduate student government constitution. The wording would clarify the point that two-thirds of the UHR’s entire membership would be needed to amend the bylaws. Currently, the feeling by the SGA is that the wording that exists is ambiguous and could be interpreted as only needing two-thirds of the membership present at a meeting to amend a bylaw.
Passed 1636 Yes/388 No (80.8%)
This referendum added titles to sections and articles of the undergraduate constitution. During some past revision of the constitution, the headings that were originally in the document were removed, seemingly by accident, and the passing of this referendum restores those titles explaining what is contained in the text. This makes it easier for students to find information and allows members of student government to make clearer citations.