HOT: SGA-AA success
The Student Government Association and Athletic Association deserve kudos for working out a deal that benefits students. The new football ticketing system will no longer result in ticket charges or an extra increase in the athletic fee. We may not always agree with the AA, but we are happy they had students in mind and decided to work with SGA to absorb the costs.
NOT: GT alert failure
Good thing a tornado didn’t actually hit Atlanta Wednesday night, because the GT alert system failed to warn students. No e-mails were sent out, and those students who had signed up to for text messages only received them several minutes after the tornado warning ended. The alert system has raised concerns before. We hope the next time is not more serious.
HOT: Aquarium fun
Tech’s first Night at the Georgia Aquarium was a success, with twice as many people as predicted taking advantage of sold-out, discounted ticket prices. Spending a quiet evening with the beluga whales and recently acquired manta ray seems like a nice addition to the yearly Six Flags Tech night tradition.
NOT: Construction woes
The areas blocked off by construction are already a nuisance, but this week’s gas main leak just added more trouble to students traveling through the heart of campus than seemed necessary. It looks like every week there is a new complaint about construction. This week we’re wondering if it will ever end.