This edition of Council Clippings covers the UHR and GSS meetings from Aug. 25, 2009.
Institute President G. P. “Bud” Peterson addressed UHR to begin the first session of the year. Peterson’s speech dealt with the Strategic Plan initiative that will officially open up to campus on Sept. 3 during the Investiture Ceremony. He discussed the difficulty of trying to plan for what a university should do for students, faculty and other people involved with a university, when the technology and problems of the future are yet unknown. Peterson also emphasized that Tech should strive to define the educational environment. Peterson also announced that there will be nine topics of discussion for the strategic planning sessions, which were being finalized by the steering committee composed of faculty, students and friends of the Institute.
SGA saw a bill to allocate $110 for the Crime Prevention and Awareness night. The event is intended to raise awareness about the Crime that has occurred on and around campus. Members of the GTPD and the Atlanta PD will speak. There will also be students speaking about how crime on campus has affected them. Pizza and other refreshments will be provided. GSS approved the bill, as did UHR with a vote of 39-1-7.
UHR looked at a bill to fund a “Thank You” for the GTPD, to be presented on Sept. 11. UHR is also planning on printing 1000 stickers for students to wear on the same day to show their support. The bill was approved by the UHR, 35-5-1 from ULR funding. GSS approval was not needed.