Start school with purpose and frivolty

With the upcoming Fall semester rapidly approaching, Tech is engulfed in a flood of timid critters who move in packs, desperately clinging to their sharpened #2 pencils and campus maps.

Only a short time ago they were royalty among underclassmen, masters of the lunchroom, geniuses of the classroom and Dwyers on the field. Now these critters are back to where they started four years ago. They arrive to class fifteen minutes early on the first day of school…they show up to all their classes fifteen minutes early…they just show up to all their classes in general.

They wander campus with a befuddled look around their face, looking longingly at the upperclassmen with suave demeanor who know exactly where they are going. They have yet to acquire the fine taste in attire that is sweatpants and free t-shirts. They are freshmen once again.

As freshmen, you must have had a plethora of information and advice thrown at you when you entered high school.

The same may have been done when you started your college selection process-what college to choose, what to do, what you should major in, what type of organizations you should join. As a rising third year, there are only so many things I could advise you on. The rest is up to you to figure out. However, I will share some of the more important aspects of Tech life that you should definitely not miss out on.

The fountains have been turned back on! Freshmen, you may or may not understand why some of us are so excited, but we at Tech have had to endure a drought-ridden and fountain-less campus for the past two years.

Before we find ourselves engulfed in another two-year drought, take advantage of a time-honored Tech tradition. Make sure you take the time to swim in Tech’s fountains. Do it now before you miss your chance.

What better time to act frivolously than your freshmen year? And what better way to cool off from the late August heat than a dip in the Campanile.

Freshmen don’t be fooled. Hazing occurs on campus…in the form of the Freshmen Cake Race that takes place during Homecoming week. OK I lied it’s not hazing; it’s optional. Each year, freshmen line the streets to participate in this race that started as a mandatory race for all students back in 1911.

From what I’ve heard of recent races, the guys’ race is pretty brutal.

If you want to see real Tech spirit, you have to check out the freshmen boys who will be trampling each other in a frantic attempt to win a kiss from Ms. Georgia Tech. Yes, I know 6 a.m. is early to wake-up on a weekend, but it is totally worth it.

One of the most important aspects of college life is making friends. I would encourage everyone to go through fraternity or sorority recruitment. Even if you don’t pledge a fraternity or sorority, you will meet a number of people who you will connect with.

Don’t be afraid to meet new people. You’ve got to make at active effort to get to know your hall mates, your classmates and even your lab partners.

There are almost 20,000 students on this campus. I will find it hard to believe if you can’t find at least one friend.

A great way to do this is to be sure to get involved with something you’re passionate in. You will find people with similar interests and passions that you can connect with. Your passion is key in helping you thrive instead of just survive at Tech. And while we are on the subject of passion, make sure you do something you really enjoy.

That drive is what is going to keep you going 20 years from now, and it’s one of the only things that will keep you going to your 8 a.m. classes every other day of the week.

Don’t lose sight of what you truly love to do. If you have an interest in one of the sciences, the engineering schools or liberal arts, follow that interest. With a degree from Tech, you could do what you love and make money doing it. Who could ask for a better opportunity?

Now I don’t want to get cheesy, but as you go through your decades here at Tech, keep reminding yourself of why you’re here, whether it’s the love you have for higher education or the free pizza the Technique offers on Tuesdays nights at 7 p.m. in the Flag Building room 135.

If you do this, you will be one of those at Tech who thrives.
