Our Views: Hot-or-Not

HOT: Architectural history

The College of Architecture is celebrating 100 years of late nights at the studio and abstract design projects this year. The celebration is bringing both new attention and exhibits to the College. Successful alumni and current students alike are taking this opportunity to look back on the College’s history, which began as a means to help Tech gain accreditation in 1908.

NOT: Crowded careers

While the Career Fair helped many job-seeking students make a match with employers, the new location and setup made the experience less than ideal. The event felt crammed, with the most sought-after employers clustered in a small, enclosed area. Students who walked away being told to check the company’s website also felt disappointed at their efforts.

HOT: Engineering hope

Bernard Amadei, co-founder of Engineers Without Borders and an inspiration to budding engineers, was chosen as this year’s Woodruff Distinguished Lecturer. Amadei’s presentation drew a large crowd, filling about two-thirds of the Ferst Center, an impressive showing for a lecture.

NOT: Phishy emails

The “Greeting Card” virus attacked Tech e-mails last week, installing malware on the computers of users who clicked on the link. Though OIT sent a campus-wide email to warn users of the phishing scam, the warning came too late for some and added to the list of spam to worry about.
